Anywhere and anytime insight into your vital signs?

Imagine having access to your vital health signals anytime, anywhere, directly from your mobile phone. No expensive devices, no time-consuming doctor appointments, just you and your phone – and a revolutionary new app that can measure your health in 1 minute. Sounds too good to be true? It's not.

30-day trial - No Credit Card Required

Direct health insight

CheckMySelf uses advanced AI to measure vital signs like blood pressure and heart rate via your smartphone within one minute, without identifiable data. It provides you with the tools to easily monitor your health without extra devices, saves time and costs, and gives you full control over your well-being.


Heart Rate


Accurately track your heart rate to monitor your cardiovascular health.


Oxygen Saturation


Easily measure your oxygen saturation to monitor the oxygen level in your blood.


Respiratory Rate


Keep track of your respiratory rate to maintain a healthy breathing pattern.




Measure your stress level to monitor your mental and physical well-being.

Circulatory System

Blood Pressure


Regularly monitor your blood pressure to detect and manage hypertension early.

Half Heart

Heart Rate Variability


Analyze your heart rate variability to gain insight into your stress and recovery balance.


The information icon refers to supporting sources, such as

How accurate is CheckMySelf?

Our app includes the FaceHeart Vitals calculation module and is the first video-based solution for vital signs with FDA 510(K) Clearance as a Class 2 medical device for heart rate measurement (K223622) on the market. The U.S. FDA is among the world's leading quality regulators.

FDA Class 2 medical device

Accuracy of professional measuring equipment

Discover the user experience

Read how CheckMySelf improves users' lives by providing simple and fast health insights.

Jerry O.

“Wow, with this app, I know better and earlier how healthy I am. It gives me peace of mind.”

Rosalie B.

“I'm buying this for my parents. They are old and vulnerable. Knowing their vital signs, they will be less likely to visit their GP.”

Hendrik S.

“This is truly high-tech. As an athlete, I now know better which vital functions need my attention to improve my fitness.”


The first month, all your scans are free. If you find CheckMySelf useful, download the app below in the App Store or Google Play. Choose between a monthly or yearly subscription.

Apple Logo
App Store
First month free. Then:
or €30.99 per year.
Unlimited scans
Insight into vital signs
Heart rate measurement
Saturation measurement
Insight into breathing rhythm
Blood pressure measurement
Insight into stress levels
Insight into heart rate variability
Play Store
First month free. Then:
or €30.00 per year.
Unlimited scans
Insight into vital signs
Heart rate measurement
Saturation measurement
Insight into breathing rhythm
Blood pressure measurement
Insight into stress levels
Insight into heart rate variability

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about CheckMySelf? Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions here and quickly find the information you need.

How accurate is CheckMySelf?

The calculation module of CheckMySelf is FaceHeart Vitals™. It is the first FDA-approved Class II SaMD (software as a medical device) for heart rate measurement (K223622) on the market, which transforms devices with a camera into medical devices.

Can I email the results to someone else?

Yes, after one minute, the measurement report will be sent to your email. If necessary, you can share your measurements with your GP, medical specialist, or someone else. The GP or specialist can then also save the measurements in your file.

Where are my results stored, and does CheckMySelf comply with GDPR?

Only on your own device. No one else can see the data except you.

Is CheckMySelf a medical device?

It is an FDA-approved Class II device. SaMD (software as a medical device) for heart rate measurement (K223622).

Download CheckMySelf for free

Start monitoring your vital functions in just 60 seconds today. Download CheckMySelf now for free and discover how simple health can be.

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