Background Information

This page provides a comprehensive explanation of the technology, accuracy, and benefits of CheckMySelf. Discover how you can easily measure your vital signs and improve your health with this app.

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The Only App in the World with FDA Clearance for Heart Rate Measurement

What makes CheckMySelf truly special?

It is the only app in the world that operates with photoplethysmography (PPG) and has received FDA 510(k) Clearance. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is globally recognized as the gold standard for testing and approving new drugs, food safety, and medical devices. When the FDA says something is safe and accurate, you can trust that it meets the strictest standards.

Why is FDA Clearance so important?

This means that the results (derived from heart rate) displayed by CheckMySelf have the same reliability and accuracy as those of professionally validated medical equipment.

Powered by FaceHeart

Powered by FaceHeart, the technology behind CheckMySelf uses advanced AI to quickly and accurately analyze your vital signs. This is not a simple gimmick – it’s technology you can trust, backed by the strictest tests and approvals.

More peace of mind, more convenience

With CheckMySelf, you get more than just convenience; you get peace of mind. You know you can monitor your health with the same precision as at the doctor’s office or in a hospital, but without the cost or hassle of doctor visits. For just €2.95 per month or €30 (Android) per year, you bring the power of medical technology into your home – right to your phone.

Why settle for less when you can have the best? CheckMySelf is the only app that offers the assurance of FDA-approved accuracy. Start today and experience the difference for yourself. Health in your hand, with the quality you deserve.

The Technology behind CheckMySelf

Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) uses reflected ambient light to measure subtle changes beneath the skin of the human face. It uses the color image of the human face captured by the camera to perform independent component analysis (ICA) on the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) three-channel signals and restores the perceived signal to a clean original signal.

1.Light shines on your skin: The lens of your camera captures the light through your skin.

2.Capturing the light: Some of this light is reflected or absorbed by your blood vessels. Each time your heart beats, the amount of blood in your capillaries changes, causing the amount of reflected light to change as well.

3.Measuring changes:
The camera captures these changes in light and converts them into a signal that indicates how your heart is beating.

4.AI (artificial intelligence) analyzes the data: The AI in the app processes these signals and can extract various information from them. In addition to your heart rate, the AI can also calculate your blood pressure, blood oxygen level, breathing rhythm, and even your stress level.

Self-management of your health

Self-management means regularly monitoring your vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and stress levels. This helps you detect health problems early and intervene before they become more serious.

Better control over your health

Self-management allows you to regularly monitor your vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and stress levels. This helps you detect health problems early and intervene before they become more serious.

Disease prevention

By regularly checking your health, you can quickly notice changes in your body. This can help prevent conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease by allowing you to take action in time.

Cost savings

Regular doctor visits and medical tests can be expensive. By monitoring your health yourself, you can reduce the frequency of these visits, saving money in the long run.

Increased awareness

Self-management increases your awareness of how your lifestyle affects your health. This can motivate you to make healthier choices, such as eating better, exercising more, and getting enough sleep.

Faster response to health issues

If you notice that certain values are outside the normal range, you can take immediate action (e.g., consult or contact a doctor. This can be crucial in preventing complications.

Improved communication with healthcare providers

When you track your health yourself, you have accurate data to share with your doctor. This makes it easier for them to diagnose and develop a treatment plan.

Less stress and more confidence

By actively engaging in your own health management, you feel more in control and less dependent on others. This can boost your confidence and reduce stress.

Personalization of your care

With self-management, you can tailor your healthcare to your specific needs and lifestyle. You can experiment with different habits and immediately see how they impact your health.

Privacy assured

The measurement results are stored exclusively on your phone or tablet. However, you can email the results to a doctor, caregiver, or another person.

More motivation to live healthily

Seeing positive results, such as lower blood pressure or an improved heart rate, can motivate you to stick to healthy habits and further improve your lifestyle.

Improved quality of life

Ultimately, self-management leads to better overall health, benefiting your energy, mood, and lifespan. You feel better, live longer, and can participate more actively in life.


Self-management of your health not only offers practical benefits but also empowers you with the knowledge and tools to proactively improve your health.

Download CheckMySelf for free

Start monitoring your vital functions in just 60 seconds today. Download CheckMySelf now for free and discover how simple health can be.

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